Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Passion Project Reflection

~ Never Stop Searching ~

~ 4 Passion Within You ~

The movie was awesome and I encourage others to watch it for sure! 

It’s truly wonderful to see real life student’s wondering the same things we are and whether we are doing these thing’s correctly or not as we are too. I mean I’ve felt for the longest that I’ve been crazy to change my major and not go with what my family have told me to do. I feel I’ve already wasted 2 year’s trying what they think is right for me but I just hate it as well as I have a phobia in so many of the things in the major there telling me to do. I’ve been killing myself with guilt for the longest that I’ve changed my major and I honestly feel it has been holding me back in many aways. I mean I keep saying I’m not doing the major they want me to do and I haven’t continued to take classes in that major but that doesn’t mean I’m able to move forward in anything I truly want to do. I’ve been scared to do so because they keep telling me and looking down at me as if I’m a failure for not liking there major choices for me. Keep in mind I haven’t even openly told them that I changed my major nor have I changed it on any of my school documents yet. I’m honestly too afraid of failing in there eyes which it just sad. In return what I’m doing is failing over all in school I feel. I can’t stress how much the video has opened my eyes and how it make me feel. I’ve been feeling like a failure for not doing what they keep on forcing me t do everyday. I mean all there comments towards me are extremely negative and that’s why I haven’t even told them anything. Yet again what would I tell then anyway since I’m at a lost for my own Passion. This makes me even more sad. However after watching this video I feel a little better but not really. Well at least now I don’t have to tell myself I’m crazy for doing what I’m doing since I’m not the only person in this world looking for my true Passion in life and that it’s OK not to follow pre chosen choices.

I’m on a quest to find my Passion and I’ve been on this quest for some time now and I’ve been feeling sad and lost since I haven’t found it yet. I have honestly spent some much money looking for it and still haven’t found it. However I told myself that I wasn’t going to give up no matter what it would take me. Money or no money I wasn’t going to stop looking for my Passion. I have waited too long and worked too hard not to find my Passion thus far. I knew when I started my quest that I wasn’t happy with the major that was being forced upon me and that I was going about it the wrong way and my counsellor even told me not to listen to my family since they weren’t going to be the one who has to do the job for the rest of there life. I would be me and I must enjoy what I’m doing and that I must be Passionate about it. I wish I had listened to her in the first place then just maybe I would be almost done with school and not still feeling stuck. Well I keep telling myself no point in dwelling in the past now because its not like I will get that time back ever. I just must move forward on my quest to find my true Passion. I pray and hope to god it comes to me soon what I’m truly passionate in. I feel I’m so close to it but I’m holding myself back for some odd reason. Wish I knew how to figure it out but unfortunately I don’t so I just keep moving forward hoping to be struck with Passion lightning one day. Sounds funny to say that I know but if you truly think about it that’s what we all hope and long for that we find that light, that miracle, that shock to our mind and heart that brings our Passion right in front of our heads, minds, feeling, and eyes. That we just know and now our journey to our Passion truly begins for once and for all. I wish there will be a day I too get to see that myself in my own life. 

As for the video I liked it so much that I uploaded it on my Facebook page too. I know many people that are in school and/or who are in search for there Passion. There not sure where there going or what there doing but what they do know is there looking for something they enjoy doing and would love doing for the rest of there lives. Just as I am here doing the same in search for a Passion unknown.

Thank you for sharing this video with us Mr. McFarland! =)

Privilege vs Passion

~ Willpower from Within ~

~ 4 A Passion ~

I believe living the privileges life gives you more options and opportunities to explore your passion rather then living an unprivileged life. If you live in Piedmont, CA then your privileged because your family has the money to be able to send you to a good school and give you a better life. However, if you live in the bad low income areas then just forget it you got a very hard chance of having a privileged life with the options of exploring your passion. When you live in those kinds of areas then either you got two options, pick a career very quickly and just make that your passion or go with the career your family tells you to and make that your passion. Otherwise you got a very hard life coming your way man. This all sucks honestly but this is what reality is now a days. If you have no education you have no future that will come out to being great let a lone good. When I see kids in school that are privileged and/or even the ones that aren’t privileged but are taking there education as a joke or for granted it just makes me sick. They just don’t understand or know how privileged they actually are by even being in a school and having an opportunity to get education. They don’t know how good they have it until one day its all gown and now they have to take life seriously and grow the hell up. They now have to do something with there life whether they want to or not because with or without an education bill’s aren’t going to pay itself and food isn’t going to be cooked and be waiting on the table for them as they were when they were kids. Adult life and reality hits at all levels in life whether your privileged or not, whether you come from money or not, whether your parents are educated or not, and most importantly whether your educated or not because as time waits for no man neither does adult life and the responsibilities that come with it. I haven’t even began to talk about if you add having your own kids to this equation. Can you just imagine what that would do to an individual in search for there own passion? Can you imagine what toll that would take on their inner passion for having another living breathing human being that they must now raise yet they have no passion of there own to follow. Hmmmm makes you wonder how people do it day in day out in this world doesn’t it... Well ladies and gentlemen right there was a look at anyone of our lives being told. Now ask yourself were you privileged when you were given an opportunity to get and education? HELL YES YOU WERE! Anyway I don’t feel I even need to go any further into this since we all are adults and I believe we all understand the toll that it takes on a individual over all to have children and try to look for passion let a lone longing for one but can’t have the time to even try to find it since you have to raise a child/children now. Life is different when you are an adult and there is no time to waist anymore. Nothing is as it was when you were a child yourself so whether you are or aren’t privileged you got to grow the hell up sooner or later. See the key here isn’t money that gives you a passion. It’s honestly you who searches for it. Yes, it’s great to have well rounded parents that are educated, that have money and that know all these things that other uneducated parents don’t know but having all of that doesn’t mean you will find your passion. The will to succeed comes from within just as though looking for your passion come from within you. The lack of education, money, and etcetera won’t bring you passion, yes it will all help you find your passion but that's if your willing to look for it and utilizes all of your resources correctly. Yet again it all starts with you can’t you see. Guess what being privileged doesn’t mean you will find your passion sooner then others, it’s having the passion within to look for the passion you love that's what people seem to lack. It’s not having the will within to look and search for your passion, its being juvenile to whats right in front of you being handed to you as many others don’t have in other countries it’s your education. We Americans as a whole lack the will to try and strive for more. Telling yourself you can’t find your passion and not doing something about it is a lack of your own passion because you not knowing how or you not being privileged enough has nothing to do with not having your own willpower from within. 

As a result consequently I believe being privileged is great all in all but that doesn’t mean you will find your passion just because your privileged nor does it mean you will find your passion or have more of a will to find your passion if your unprivileged. In order to find anything including your passion you must first have the willpower to want to find it and go searching for it and go exploring in this vast growing world we live in. Remember nothing in life is going to be handed to you and even if it is eventually everything runs out so if you didn’t have the willpower to look for your passion then you just may never find it. Passion comes with a willpower from within and no one can put that there other then you yourself!